April 11, 2009
Loop from Bakersfield to Lake Isabella to Kernville to Porterville to
Bakersfield |
I will start my ride from the hotel in
Bakersfield. Weather is cool. 30% chance of rain. We encountered some rain
on the drive to Bakersfield. |
East on Hiway 58 to the turnoff to Bodfish. I
will take the left fork to Lake Isabella |
As I climb up the mountain it gets foggier
and foggier. Soon I will not be able to use my face shield and visibility is
about 30 feet. Yikes! |
Soon I will be in a thick fog cloud. |
But then, suddenly I get out of the fog and
it is green everywhere on the way to Lake Isabella. |
I will wind down this road to the Lake in the
distance. |
There were people fishing from the shore.
Fairly large lake. |
OK, I arrive in Kernville and decide to
follow the Kern River up to the giant Sequoias. 27 miles later I find the
road closed!. It won't open until May 1. Bummer. Lesson learned: Call ahead
to see if roads are open! But, the ride here and back was spectacular! Very
little traffic and I could ZOOM around the curves! |
That is where I wanted to go! |
This road goes to Hiway 395, but sign said it
was closed in 25 miles. Another day I will ride it. |
So, back to Kernville. |
This is the road that follows the Kern River.
Awesome ride! |
A stop along the River. |
River photos |
I stopped in here for a beer. They weren't
very friendly, so I didn't stay long. There is a brewery in Kernville, but
this place did not have any of their beer. Huh? |
Kernville. I walked around a bit and had
lunch. |
I leave Kernville and head out Hiway 155 to
Delano (I will turn off to go to Porterville). One guy at a store said it
was closed, or if open, chains required. I almost turned back when there was
slush on the road and I had no feeling in my fingers. The center of the lane
had snow. |
This was the worst part. Almost no visibility
from heavy wet fog, ice in the road. Freezing cold. I fear I will dump and
be maimed at any moment! Will I die here? What an adventure! |
But, soon I wind down the mountain and this
is the scenery. No traffic, great road! |
On the way to Porterville. Cattle country
changing to oranges and vineyards. |
This picture will mean nothing except to
family. This is the house my Grandfather built and where my mother was
raised. It used to be brown. It is in Exeter, about 20 miles or so from
Porterville. Grandpa had 40 acres of grapes and oranges. At one time he
owned his own packing house. I went to the Exeter cemetery, but could not
find my Grandfather's grave. It is there somewhere. |
I ride back to the hotel in Bakersfield.
Great 280 mile ride! That evening we went to the Buck Owens Crystal Theatre
for dinner and some good ol' country music! |