A Little About Us

We met at a local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1985. We were married in that same Hall on February 15, 1986. Our meetings and service to Jehovah remain the focus of our lives. We entered the full-time service on September 1, 1989 and continue to volunteer our time, assets and energy in our ministry. We share the feeling of the psalmist who said: "I will laud [you] O Jehovah, with all my heart; I will declare all your wonderful works." (Ps. 9:1)

John retired from San Diego Care Placement on June 1, 2014. Since then he keeps busy in the ministry, congregation responsibilities, volunteer hospital work, and other theocratic duties. For recreation he enjoys caring for the yard, kayaking and eBike riding. He thought it would never happen, but at age 75 John sold his motorcycles. Sad day, but many great memories! He got his motorcycle license at age 16.

Evelyn enjoys studying and doing research on theocratic topics, reading, coordinating her fashion accessories, traveling (mostly on You Tube now) and keeping busy in the ministry.

Below are some links to some of our trips. And some family photos.



Motorcycle Adventures

Other Stuff
Take a vacation with John & Evelyn
1999 Alaska/Canada Vacation

The 2010 Jeremiah Project

Trip to Maui May 2002 (Dale's Wedding)

Check out some family photos

John's Dad-Photos from His Life


Trip to Oahu 2004

2005 Angel's Camp

Trip to Bethel/New York 2005

2006 Clear Lake

Trip to Oahu 2006

Trip to Costa Rica 2007

Oregon 2008

New York (Evelyn & Betty) 2008

Evelyn's Trip to Hawaii 2009

2009 Utah-Seldom Worked Territory

Europe Cruise (Evelyn & Betty) 2009

South America Cruise 2010

Day Trip to the Anza Borrego 2010

Scotland 2011

Maui 2012

Maui 2013

Paris 2013

Bavaria 2014

Alberta 2015

West Palm Beach 2015

Mexico Cruise 2016

Kauai 2016

Finland 2016

Maui 2017

New England Cruise 2017

Bethel 2017

Evelyn's Panama Cruise 2017-2018

John's Reno Trip 2018

Anniversary 2018

Evelyn's Alaska Cruise 2018

Maui 2018

Imperial Castle Tour 2018

Mexico Cruise 2019

Evelyn's River Cruise 2019

Madrid 2019

Maui 2019

Big Bear Lake 2021

Austin, Texas 2021

San Francisco Cruise 2021






John & Evelyn Boucher